Wednesday, November 25, 2015

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is the sharing of computer data over a network or internet. Brain Stelter and Brad Stone article Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios states "The campaign failed miserably. By the end of the year, illegal copies of the Batman movie had been downloaded more than seven million times around the world, according to the media measurement firm BigChampagne, turning it into a visible symbol of Hollywood’s helplessness against the growing problem of online video piracy." That was in 2009 and file sharing has only grown since. P2P file sharing is peer to peer file sharing and its the distribution of digital media. Some examples of P2P file sharing are uTorrent and BitTorrent which are two torrent sites that use P2P these two torrenting site give access to many media sources including music, movies, textbooks, etc. File sharing has continued to grow and will only continue to grow over time.

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