Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs and wikis are two very important parts of technology, though they have a lot similarities they are very different. Blogs are very opinion oriented while wikis tend to be more fact oriented. Blogs are mainly the authors opinion on the topic he or she is peaking about. Whereas wikis are resources of factual information. Th importance of convergence in todays networked world is people wanting to have access to information quickly and easily. In Jeff Bercovici's article "Yahoo's Next Problem: Tumblr's Traffic Isn't Growing" he talks about Yahoo's $990 million purchase of Tumblr. Bercovici's stated in his article "the social blogging platform, which had drawn interest from the likes of Facebook and Microsoft MSFT +0.30% despite having negligible revenues. Like Snapchat, Tumblr justified its sale price with its astonishing rate of user growth" shows how even with a lack revenue Tumblr a blogging site has $990 million worth. Noam Cohen's article "An Internal Wiki That’s Not Classified" she talks about the use of Diplopedia to identify who would be attending to meet an Italian political figure. Cohen stated in her article "Today, she said, they still produce the memo, but “now they attach a link to the Diplopedia article” showing the use of Diplopedia. Cohen also stated "The advantages are obvious, in efficiency and in saving paper" speaking about the advantages of switching to wiki.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Omar!

    I like how you said that blogs are opinion oriented and that wikis are more fact based. I never thought of the two platforms like that but it makes a lot of sense. Along these lines, another major difference between blogs and wikis is that blogs can only be edited by the blog owner, while wikis are meant to be edited by everyone. This feature of the two communication platforms makes sure that blogs remain opinion oriented while wikis are made up of facts. If blogs were editable by anyone, then it would be clearly difficult to state one's personal opinion.
